
Spring 2004 Newsletter

Featured Articles

  • Schools As Centers Of Communities: KnowledgeWorks Foundation Concept Paper
    Getting community residents into school buildings is a pivotal step toward building social capital. A focal point in the conversation about schools-as-centers is school facility planning. Given the major investment in school rehab and construction across the country, the Coalition for Community Schools has been working in partnership with the KnowledgeWorks Foundation and the BEST Collaborative, which NSBN is a member, on these issues, promoting the intentional integration of community school components into new buildings.
  • Community-Centered Schools Are Vital To Healthier Neighborhoods
    This March, the state of California approved a $12.3 billion school facilities bond. In addition, local districts put their own bond measures on the ballot to match those state funds. However, the question remains if those funds will be optimized for the construction of school facilities that serve a variety of community needs. NSBN is pleased to reprint this opinion piece on the subject of school facilities construction and student and neighborhood health written by Dr. Jonathan Fielding, Health Director for Los Angeles County, and David Abel, Chairman of NSBN.

In This Issue